I figured I should get caught up on some of the things we have done lately. Well, not caught up, but at least mention the progress we have made. Seems time flies so quickly when you are so busy doing what you love--spending time with your kids doing a million and one projects!!
Kelsey's bake sale was a lot of fun and we felt it was successful. Kevin made 10 dozen donuts ( a new favorite around here) and boy did they go fast!! Move over Krispy Kreme! We had a lot of fun and a lot of support from family, friends and neighbors who helped out and also bought items. Sorry if your diet was ruined this week. . . It's been most rewarding to see the kids come together, rally around Kelsey and dive in and do whatever we needed to do to help raise money. Its been rewarding, but I tell them if they want to take a trip like this --start saving now!! :)
WOO HOO HOO!!! That was a YUMMY Bake Sale~!! :D So Glad that Kelsey was able to make to Europe!